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Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System

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Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Very Good
Below Average
Rating: 9.49/10

Review Date: 06/19/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:Its huge didnt think it be this big but eh inside my Thermaltake Matrix case it has a good spot

Pros:Silence cannot hear it i dont know why yu would buy the one with the reduced flow rate this thing is beast but also silent .
Did the Vortex solution using this pump and a Mcr-220-qp intergrated reservoir and soon to be Mcr-320 as well its a solid pump and from all the reviews and owners a well built product hope it does well for me too.:)

Review Date: 05/26/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:-barbs are somewhat difficult to work with

Pros:-pumps really well-quiet operation even on high-looks good-barbs are extremely tight fitting
Works awesome! Barbs are a very tight fit with 7/16" tubing - hard to get on, but will probably never leak. Very quiet even on high setting. Highly recommended and it's easy to see what every talks about it.

Review Date: 05/09/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System

Pros:Variable adjustment for pump powerquietpowerful
I had this for an year now. It is just one the best pump that I have used. It's quiet and powerful. Strongly recommended for everyone who's going for watercooling. It will not fail your expectation.
j money@NCIX

Review Date: 04/21/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:None at all

Pros:power and performance and silent
best pump on the market, Period, run dont walk to ncix and buy this now. incredible performance and silent

Review Date: 04/05/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:Big problem (as in size).

Pros:Powerful enough for any computer watercooling system. Little noise, little vibration.
I got this for my first loop based on numerous reviews speaking highly of it. A beast indeed it is. It pumps my loop (PA120.3+2 blocks+10 feet tubes, a test loop) with no problem at all, and amazes me with a noise level far below the fans on the rad. Would recommend to anyone who want a beast pump:)

Review Date: 03/09/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:-Hard to fit 7/16 tubing on it-Ugly

Pros:-Quiet(Adjustable speed)-Powerful
This pump is quiet and also very powerful. Hardware to mount it in your case is included. This is a big pump, so make sure you have enough space in your case. I had some trouble to get 7/16 tubing over this.

Review Date: 03/03/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:quite big .. about the size of your fist, should be put in a nice roomy case

Pros:powerful pump, hardly any noise at all
I bought this pump to replace my Danger Den MAG II LE pump since it stopped working and had started leaking a tiny bit around the seams on the outer part of the pump. This pump is 100x better, I wish I had just made up a custom water cooling solution with this pump then to buy a kit ..

Review Date: 02/25/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System

Pros:Very powerfulQuiet
A very powerful and quiet pump. Have to touch it to make sure it is operating since its so quiet. Should suit most configs.

Review Date: 02/09/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:loud when turned up all the way , bigger than swiftec 350

Pros:powerful pump , has speed setting
had this pump for over a year , still going strong , cooling cpu , chipset and gpu with speed setting on 2 , pump is pretty quiet on 2 or 3 but still need some kind of rubber padding under it cause of vibrations , foam that come with it don't do alot. with speed setting on 5 this pimp has a whine to it , more vibration too , if anyone says this pump is quiet on 5 setting is def or their pc must sound like a power vac

Review Date: 01/20/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:Really hard to fit 7/16" tubing over thisNo rpm sensor

Pros:Powerful &quiet, 5 adjustable speedHardware includes to mount it in your case
To sum it up, this pump beats my old CSP-Mag on just about every aspect: pressure, displacement, noise. Impressive silence for the waterflow it produces. The speed adjustment is a bit useless tho, I'm not sure why someone would run the pump at the lowest setting since you can't even hear it over the noise made by other components/fans in your case. But it's there if you need it. Some things I would like to see on this pump tho:RPM sensingBarbs instead so it could be even more versatile.

Review Date: 01/18/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:Ummm, there are no weaknesses?

Pros:Powerful quiet speed adjustable, affordable
Amazing product, tubing is a ridiculous tight fit, you probably wouldn't even have to use hose clamps but I did anyways, just in case

Review Date: 01/02/08
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:Gets a bit loud

Pros:Great performer, speed adjustment
Works very well under most circumstances. Great addition is the speed adjustment when turned to low is very quiet like a whisper. But when on high is pretty loud but works very well and cools extremely effeciently on high and low settings.

Review Date: 11/05/07
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:none so far

Pros:nice material, easy install of tubing and easy mount.
this pump even on the fifth setting was quieter then my ram fans. tubing install was easy as could be. they suggest mountive it with screws to the bottom of your case but they still provide you it double sided tape. I used this as it was easier then drilling 2 more holes (cut 1 gigantic one for the rad on the bottom with 8 holes)

Review Date: 10/30/07
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:-None till now

Pros:- Industrial look- Very robust- Not that loud- Multi speed
I'm very happy with this pump and I like it's robust material. Till now it's not loud at the max speed and the installation of the pump was easy.

Review Date: 09/19/07
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:None if i think about it..

Pros:Adjustable speedPowerfulQuietGood Mounting Equipment
Very good pump, its really not that loud, and even if it is, you can always lower the speed. Overall 5/5, no complaints here,has been working great, and keepin my card cool at 42C.

Review Date: 05/18/07
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:An external speed regulator would be nice for those who want to crank it to max when pumping serious polygons. Looks.

Pros:Power of water flow, adjust-ability of pump performance.
This thing is excellent and on lower settings its quiet, tough extra maylar or padding may be needed to get rid of any minute buzzing and vibration. Looks wise it does look industrial ie: awful (hide it somewhere inside the chassis). Of course to make it perfect U would need an external speed regulator for easy adjust-ability of the speed/performance from say the front of the case, this is its only drawback. Other than that this thing rocks.

Review Date: 04/01/07
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System

Pros:Very strong pumpquality of build
this pump is exlenent for everything i use it in my h20 cooling and its quite as a dead mouse and has not failed

Review Date: 03/30/07
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System

Pros:good qualitystrong pump
this pump is my personal favorite pump it is the strongest quietest u can adjust and is exelent for h20 cooling

Review Date: 01/08/07
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System
Cons:-No threads to install fitting of different sizes-Quite a bit of vibration-The anti-vibration form it comes with doesn't do much-Need to turn on the PC (for the DC power) even for draining the system

Pros:-Seems powerful-Adjustable speed-Quiet-Runs on DC, no relay needed
This is a great pump and quite quiet, however, it needs to be soft mounted on a form to eliminate the vibration. The adjustable speed is nice. It is a DC pump, so it doesn't need a relay and I don't need to remind myself to turn on the pump. The down side is that the PC needs to be on to drain the system, and when the liquid are being drained, components may get overheated, so extra caution is needed. This review was modfied by poster @ 01-08-07 06:08 PM

Review Date: 11/23/06
Swiftech MCP655 12 VDC Pump Liquid Cooling System

Pros:-powerful-quiet-flow adjustment dial on the back-12 volts
This pump is great for any purpose, extreme overclocking and quiet computing. Using the adjustment potentiometer on the back, you can achieve the perfect balance between performance and low noise levels. I recommend this pump to anyone making their watercooling system from parts.
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